Friday, August 19, 2011


So in a speedy catch-you-up from where I left off last (three and a half months ago, woops!)... two weeks after my last post I accepted a job in Charleston (!), which was hugely important for us to be able to live semi-comfortably.  Then about two months after my last post Adam finished intern year (the picture below is him holding his icky intern year schedule with all the rotations marked off... a huge feat!), we packed up our lives, stuffed everything in a moving truck, spent the last night in our first apartment together sleeping on air mattresses (see proof below),

attended a good friend of mine's wedding while our moving truck was being driven to Charleston by my father-in-law,
arrived in Charleston to already moved in furniture that night - thanks to awesome movers and awesome parents, went to brunch and walked around the next morning on our first full day as South Carolina residents,

and realized we had been majorly down graded in the kitchen department (and yes that's our pantry and laundry room in that teeny tiny closet in the back... but regardless of the lack of counter space, you know I made room for my precious kitchen aid!),
(whoa that's small!  can I get a wha whaa?), but made the best of our new place.
So here we are, FINALLY starting to feel settled, slowly making friends, slowly getting to know the area.  I think Atlanta and Georgia will always be home to us, but I can't lie... I LOVE living by the beach.  I still miss my sweet girlfriends who are now scattered all over the country, and no one will ever be able to replace those girls and the bonds I have with them, but I'm hopeful to make some new friends and feel like we have a great life that we enjoy living while we are here in Charleston. 

I'm so sorry I left you hanging for the past 3 1/2 months, but sometimes life gets in the way.  Hopefully we will get into a routine, and hopefully that routine will include some blogging about all the delicious baked goods you know I've been making over the past month and a half since we've moved!  :-)  I'm doing my best, so hang in there and we'll get back at it.

Cheers to change! 

1 comment:

  1. Yay! I'm glad you are back :) Miss you! Can't wait to hear about your Charleston adventures!


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