Friday, March 25, 2011

Waiting on Baby Boy Lyons

I know, I know... you want baked goods.  I'm getting there, I promise.  I really hope life slows down once we move, because I'm exhausted!  Pancakes post to come soon!

A couple of weeks ago I told my mom that I really wanted to start stepping up my photography practice.  She works at a local high school and I knew that would be a great place to find some "models"!  I love doing maternity, baby, and family pictures so I asked her to find me anyone who would let me take pictures of them for free.  I got super lucky, because she found Andrea and Matt who happened to be awesome, and despite saying they were not naturals in front of the camera, you would never know by looking at the pictures!  They are about a month away (now about 3 weeks) from having their baby boy.  And with their last name being Lyons, we had fun with lion props, but we also got to work in some basketball action since Matt is a basketball coach.  I had so much fun with them and I hope they love their pictures as much as I do.  I really think they turned out great!  Here are a few for your eye candy pleasure:

 Oh yea, I forgot to tell you, their dog was totally sassy!  Ha!  Andrea got up off the blanket and Roscoe (sp?) the dog decided that was where he wanted to chill... so he literally laid out on the blanket and posed for me.  It was pretty much the cutest thing ever.  There are few things I enjoy more than watching dogs personalities come out.  And boy did his!
This last picture is my favorite belly shot so far.  I'm in love with the lighting and the emotion that you can get just from hands and a pregnant belly. 

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