You remember how I told you that my mom doesn't really cook? Well this is one of the few things she does make, and I love it! I don't know where she found it, but man is it easy. Plus, pretty much everyone I have ever given the recipe to has loved it!
Here's what you do: you take ~2 pounds of boneless skinless chicken breasts, 1 "jug" of your favorite salsa, and your crock pot and combine together to make the easiest dinner ever.
Put a layer of salsa on the bottom, then place all the chicken breasts next to each other for the next layer, then cover with the rest of the jar of salsa.
I prefer Pace Picante Sauce but I accidentally bought the chunky kind this last time. It was actually pretty good. I really think any kind of salsa would be fine.
Once you have your salsa chicken, you can really do a lot with it. I have served it over pasta,
rice, in tacos, on a salad, and I'm sure there are many other things you could do with it. Since it makes lots of food, I usually freeze some. I go ahead and put the salsa chicken over cooked pasta in a tupperware container and stick it in the freezer. That will keep for several months and it's easy to thaw (in the fridge) and microwave. Done and done! I hope you like it!
Thanks for the shout out :)